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What will yachts and yachting look like in 2015?

Discussion in 'Popular Yacht Topics' started by Windswept, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. karo1776

    karo1776 Senior Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I suppose there has been much imagineering by some of us herein, including yours truly, and you are right. History shows that it won't change much. And, I suppose, they will look like the owners want if new and if existing as they are.

    But I think the style trend in super yachts will be the turn of the last century dreadnaught retro style: on one hand,
    Like Bilgin 132 x bow superyacht ''M'' - YouTube
    and on the other, much like the new Palmer Johnson SuperSport line just released.
    New Build: Palmer Johnson SuperSport Series - YachtForums.Com

    Although just sometimes it is nice to see a restored classic Feadship once in awhile... like Sultana warms the heart:

    My personal favorite of practical comfort, size, style is the Moonen 97 series like Sofia II: