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Preview: Queenship Passagemaker 60'

Discussion in 'Queenship Yacht' started by YachtForum, Apr 20, 2007.

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  1. Preview: Queenship Passagemaker 60'
    A Modern Canoe Stern Trawler

    Queenship is about to capture the hearts of traditional yachtsmen and displacement seekers alike. Displaying a ship’s stack atop, a Portuguese bridge and just the right amount of teak, Queenship’s new 60’ Passagemaker is a canoe stern return to yesteryear.​

    In recent years the trawler segment has been speeding up, sorta speak. Boomers, not ready to retire to cave-dwelling condos and watch life pass on the Discovery Channel are opting for a new way to see the world… 10 knots at a time. With a GPS and wireless Internet to keep track of their vessel and stock positions, Queenship is about to launch the perfect vehicle for cruising into the golden years.

    Designed in conjunction with Sparkman & Stevens, the Passagemaker 60’ is a little gem set to travel far on little. Among its many unusual features (for a canoe stern) is an integrated swim platform with a conventional transom beneath the waterline that eliminates squatting at speed. Powered by a single Lugger 340 hp diesel turning at 1800 rpm, she’ll roam 3,000 nm @9.5 knots. Backing down to 8 knots, a 5,000 nm range is projected! With a fuel capacity of 2,400 gallons, fill-ups are far & few between.
  2. Because redundancy is everything, S&S has designed the Passagemaker 60 with a backup propulsion system called the “BAT” of (Bayview Auxiliary Tug Drive). The BAT Drive is a hydraulic engine connected to the shaft by a belt and driven off the generators’ power. Her electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems are also redundant in nature, designed to be tough in demanding conditions with ease of access for maintenance.

    The Passagemaker 60’s construction is FRP with a solid bottom and cored topsides, deck and superstructure. Utmost concern over easy operation and safety guided the Passagemaker’s design. In fact with five water tight compartments, 10 paired and independently alarmed bilge pumps, fire and bilge panels in the wheelhouse, master stateroom and flybridge, and automatic fuel and damper shut downs, she may very well be the safest boat in her class.

    Hull number one of the 60 is in the latter stages of production. It is slated for delivery to an American owner in mid-2007. The owner plans to live aboard part of the year and cruise from Alaska to the southeastern U.S. coast. S&S is working on designs for larger models which include 75’ and 87’ versions that will expand the line. “We chose S&S for this design for the firm’s incredible reputation and pedigree and its technical expertise,” says Queenship’s Dan Fritz. “We expect this yacht to be the start of a long, productive relationship that will extend to other projects.”
  3. The Passagemaker sports an unusually spacious wheelhouse with twin helm seats and a pilot berth for a little shut-eye on long legs. Tall bulwarks, along with four watertight compartments and a tank-tested hull for maximum roll-dampening are enhanced by active stabilization. When the going gets shallow, a skeg adds running gear protection. And finally, for single hand maneuvering, a bow & stern thruster are standard.

    Centered between the wheelhouse and the salon, the galley is tailored for live aboard comfort. The yacht’s salon, equally spacious will feature ornate overhead beams, halogen lighting, a varnished, starburst-pattern dining table on a high/low adjustable stainless steel pedestal, a TV cabinet with pop-up lift and a teak & holly sole.

    The covered aft deck is equipped with port and starboard settees, teak coffee tables, stereo speakers, salt and freshwater wash down and a pantograph access door to the swim platform. Her upper aft deck has ample space for a tender and PWC's. Her central stack features a concealed barbecue grill that vents into the stack. The flybridge is equipped with dining settee, wet bar, helm station with engine & thruster controls.

    The master stateroom is placed mid-ship for greatest comfort on hook or underway. The VIP is forward section with a bunk in between, but the real accommodations are yet to come. A full 50% of the below deck space is allocated to the engine room and tankage.

    Deck Plans: Top to Bottom...

    1. Flybridge Deck
    2. Main Deck
    3. Accommodations & Engine Room
  4. Specifications:

    LOA: 63.25 ft.
    LWL: 57.50 ft.
    Beam: 17.17 ft.
    Draft:4.92 ft.
    Displacement: 83,725 lbs.
    Fuel Capacity: 2,265 US gal.
    Fresh Water Capacity: 400 US gal.
    Black/Gray Water Capacity: 2 x 120 gal.


    Main Engine (1) x Lugger 1276-A2 : 340 bhp @ 1800 rpm
    Optional Power: Caterpillar, Cummins, Perkins
    Speed: Maximum 10.7 knots
    Speed: Cruising 9.8 knots
    Range: 3,000 nm
    Get-Home System Auxiliary BAT Drive powered by Generator
    Thrusters Side-Power Bow and Stern Thrusters
    Stabilizers Wesmar RS900 system with 2 9ft² fins
    Generator Northern Lights 20kW(60Hz) / 16kW(50Hz)
    Electrical System 110/220 V AC - 12/24 V DC
    Air Conditioning Cruisair - chilled water system, reverse cycle
    Water Maker Sea Recovery -or- Village Marine (optional)


    FRP Hull and Superstructure
    ABS Standards including watertight bulkheads
    10 independent bilge pumps
    Interior Hardwoods Cherry, Teak, Makore
    Layout Options Day Head -or- Additional Refrigeration
    Wide Body Salon, Portside Exterior Stair

    Naval Architecture/Design:

    Sparkman & Stephens, Inc.
    Original Concept Design: Vincent A. Mausset

    For more information contact:

    Queenship Marine Industries, Ltd.
    27222 Lougheed Highway
    PO Box 10, Station Whonnock
    Maple Ridge, BC Canada
    Tel: 604 462 1388
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