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Perini Navi Announce Sale of Another 60M Sailing Yacht

Discussion in 'Perini Navi News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Jun 9, 2015.

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  1. Another 60-meter Sailing Yacht Sold By Perini Navi
    Italian sailing yacht specialists Perini Navi is proud to announce the sale of another luxury sailing yacht in their 60-meter range. This series is starting to take off so far with 60-meter 2013 build "Seahawk" and 60-meter 2015 build "Perseus^3" sailing around. A fourth 60-meter is being built on spec at the moment so that would suggest this one doesn't have an owner as yet. The current 60-meter we are talking about was recently sold and has an owner, leading to Perini's excitable feeling.
  2. Fabio Boschi who is the Chairman of Perini Navi commented on the good news. “It is with great pleasure that I announce the sale of our latest vessel. In a very competitive market situation for large sailing yachts, this sale once again represents an impressive achievement for our company, of which we are extremely proud”. The design is again a collaboration between Perini Navi's in-house team and Ron Holland. Expect this particular yacht to be completed for her new owner in 2017.

    For more information:

    Perini Navi
    Via Coppino 114
    55049 Viareggio

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