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News: Wally Launches 33.5M "Barong D"

Discussion in 'Wally Yacht' started by Yacht News, Apr 26, 2016.

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  1. 33.5-meter "Barong D" By Wally Splashed
    This name may sound very familiar to those who pay attention closely. If it does, you will know this new yacht is the successor to a multiple repeat client of Wally Yachts. They have owned yachts with the name "Barong B" and "Barong C" before and now their latest build is one called "Barong D". That's right, the latest iteration for this owner is a 33.5-meter sailing sloop making it slightly larger than their previous builds.
  2. The interior design and deck layout are pretty similar to their past builds but offer the owner more space to play with and perhaps a further high-tech boat. “We succeeded in delivering a truly exceptional performance cruiser that accommodates in full comfort the owners who spend several months of the year on board,” said Luca Bassani, President and CEO of Wally. Barong D is expected to be delivered to her experienced owner next month. Presently she is conducting sea trials in preparation for delivery. This yacht features a load of Wally technology on board. There is the Wally submarine anchor, deploys and is retrieved from under the bow out of sight keeping a clean bow. Wally’s sail handling system with a self-tacking jib and push-button sail trimming via hydraulic rams are more now-conventional features. Look out for Barong D sailing the deep blue soon.

    For more information:

    Wally Yachts,
    8 Av. des Ligures
    MC98000 Principality of Monaco

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