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News: Nordhavn Launches First Non-Flybridge N68

Discussion in 'Nordhavn News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Jun 14, 2021.

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  1. First Non-Flybridge N68 Launched By Nordhavn
    Nordhavn has announced the launching of another N68 from the Ta Shing yard but this time around, it is actually a first for the company. You may be asking why is it a first when this specimen is #39 in the N68 model. This unit, N6839, is actually the first unit to be built without a flybridge in this model. The yard is confident that this trend may transition into more orders for flybridgeless N68s in the future. There weren't any drastic changes required to make the non-flybridge arrangement. Just a few modifications to the tooling resulted in a beautiful, sleek option to the standard flybridge Nordhavn 68.
  2. PAE’s design and engineering team is equally thrilled with what is effectively 'hull #1' of the Non-FB Nordhavn 68. "We are all very proud of this boat,"said Project Manager Justin Zumwalt. "Never having done this before, it turned out beautifully." The owner is also happy with the result. "I simply could not be any happier with the look of the boat, it is absolutely amazing," owner Nigel McLeod said. With the boat launched and under taken sea trials already N68#39 is expected to ship to the UK in two weeks.

    For more information:

    Pacific Asian Enterprises
    25001 Dana Drive
    Dana Point, CA 92629

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