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News: Horizon Deliver E73 "Hi Life" To U.S Owners

Discussion in 'Horizon News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Jul 30, 2016.

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  1. New E73 "Hi Life" Delivered To Owners By Horizon Yachts
    Horizon Yachts has delivered another E73 yacht this time to experienced U.S customers. The new yacht has been christened "Hi Life" and is testament to the owners longstanding experience with boating life -40 years of it-. Hi Life spent 10 months in build being customized for her owners’ cruising lifestyle. She offers three en suite guest staterooms- a full-beam Master, forward VIP, and criss-crossed bunk room -- plus additional crew quarters aft, as well as a slew of other features such as a salon bar, custom navigational and electronics systems, and a customized interior with beautiful South American Walnut wood.
  2. The delivery ceremony was held on board “Hi Life” before they left for their maiden voyage: an extensive summer cruise throughout the Bahamas with family and friends. Horizon presented the owners with their “welcome to the family” gift baskets, spoke about the owners’ upcoming Bahamas cruising itinerary, and toasted to the first of many wonderful trips on their new Horizon yacht. The owner’s wife also showcased a beautiful original painting she created to celebrate their new yacht and plans to hang in the salon for all who come on board to enjoy.

    For more information:

    Horizon Yachts
    8 Kuang Yang Street
    Hsiao Kang, Kaosiung


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