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News: First Nordhavn 625 Launched

Discussion in 'Nordhavn News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Dec 6, 2022.

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  1. Nordhavn Splashes First N625
    The first hull in the new Noradhavn 625 model has been launched by the builder. The yacht is now in the water and will undergo initial testing in the test tank at the yard's South Coast factory. "She’s fairly complete," said Project Manager Mike Jensen. There are just a few things left to be done before the yacht engages in actual sea trials. Once this happens the vessel will then be ready to be shipped stateside to be commissioned for its new owners who are from the United States.
  2. The owners who actually hail from landlocked Nevada will see the yacht commissioned at Nordhavn's commissioning hub in Dana Point, CA. The yacht has a single main engine connected to the main prop with a 'wing engine' for emergencies. Long voyages as sedate speeds is the name of the game for this new Nordhavn. After the last round of sea trials, she’ll be prepped for shipping, which is being targeted for the end of the year or in the early weeks of 2023. They expect the yacht to reach stateside in February of 2023.

    For more information:

    Pacific Asian Enterprises
    25001 Dana Drive
    Dana Point, CA 92629

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