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new factory of ferretti in brazil??

Discussion in 'Ferretti Yacht' started by pbekker, Mar 18, 2010.

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  1. pbekker

    pbekker New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    the netherlands
    hey all

    can any body out here comfirm or knows more about
    ferretti (italy) is opening a new factory in brazil??
  2. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    I think it was Azimut who had already an ongoing colloboration with Intermarine. Last year Azimut bought the Intermarine yard and this should start building with Azmiut name for American continents.
    I think before it was Azimut selling design right to Intermarine
  3. pbekker

    pbekker New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    the netherlands
    this is right

    and this is happening in the city sao paulo

    but i have heart here at work that ferretti is going to start a factory in the south of brasil (santa catarina) the city itajai

    i work and live in this city
    if it is really treu then it is very interesting for me.
  4. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
  5. please do not confund Argentina things to Brazilian ones. What exactly was not good?, because seems ok for the price you paid in compromise. :)

    About spirit-feretti:

    so seems not Itajaí, but Angra dos Reis.
  6. pbekker

    pbekker New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    the netherlands
    thank you for the informtion

    but the word goiging around about ferretti and not sperit of ferretti

    i have heart that suppliers here have been contactet for maybe suppling them in the futere
  7. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    Many boat builders are looking very much into Brazil and think this country has huge potential. The main reason is that Brazil has many natural resources, and its latest discoveries of fossil fuels says she harbours among the greatest reserves in the world. Some speculate that Brazil has as much oil as Saudi Arabia, altough the problem is that it is more costly to take it up.
    These natural resources will be in the end a more rich country.
    The second most important thing is that Brazil unlike other developing countries like China or India has a very much nautical passion build into it, so the market to sell boats already exists.

    This is so far what have been stated, and knowing a bit the brand it will be very unlikely for them to open a factory:

    Italian yacht building group Ferretti has signed an agreement with Brazilian boatbuilder and broker Spirit for the sale and after sales assistance of all Ferretti Group brand yachts on the Brazilian market.
    A new brand name, Ferrettigroup Brasil, will be created and will be managed by Marcio Latorre Christiansen, founder and CEO of Spirit. Ferrettigroup Brasil will draw on Spirit's know-how concerning production, sales and after sales services in Brazil.
    The agreement will be announced tomorrow during the Rio Boat Show 2010, where the Ferretti Group is displaying six new yachts.
    Ferrettigroup Brasil is set to open a 1,000m2 show room at a luxury mall in Sao Paolo by the end of June 2010.
  8. it is very strange people saying still that Brazil, China and India are 'developing' countries, like Africa still in mid-ages. China was a millenar country, which also europeans discovered much for example fireworks, pulver technologies in ancient times for war things, in this time Europe was extrem primitive, with the yachts those times, Columbus and 'Caravelas'. But the mentality of exploration should stop. It has/had regions and things in those countries even more developed and advanced than what is found today in the so called 'developed' ones. In every country has developed and already primitive regions. Let's take for example the country you are Malta, it was never a developed country and maybe neither a developing one. I was there, it is everything old like beeing already in the 40ies years and stopped in such. I've been hearing those imposed political terms of past, since maybe 30 years, from what was G7 of old times and they never stop saying so. The whole world is imposed then with this mentality and keeps still repeating everywhere. About oil, i particularly think Brazil would never explore those deep reserves. Better having more Alcohool or sun/wind/electrical energy sources, cause oil is dirty and extrem expensive, onerate a lot the population for fewers. Still having Exxon, Shell and others imposing those antique concepts or refinements and this dirty technology, then whole world continues thinking about that. I suggest you go in Sao Paulo or Rio in this Boat show to see a little bit of Brazil was and is. And if has contrasts, well, every after-developed or decandent countries also have a lot. People do not study history of world or forget it completelly, it seems, in the 'schools'. :rolleyes:
  9. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    They are developing countries only because there wages are small and only 1% of the country have the luxury most EUROPE and USA had ten years ago. It is not about technology and all this. Yes in the past 2000 years ago Asia was more developed then EU and USA did not exist in a map, but nor did the capitalist world which is today.
    When you go to some places in China, India and Brazil and see people dieing in hunger you understand what I mean. It is not about the building and skyrapers and all this stuff it is about how most of the people live in a country. In China and India workers have no right and if you have a factory you can do what ever you want. Kind like USA in the great depression. I am surprised you dont know about all this saying you study history so much.
  10. Well, for what i signalised as point 1, you don't know Brazil to say that. Actually in Brazil has many luxury things, like huge appartments with very expensive furniture that in Europe most of apartments even do not have. You can put some 10% for sure. Luxury is not term to be developed. Also in past the medium-class was about 50% in Brazil, much more than what is today, and only since 30 years poor population boomed a lot, but the country was everytime considered 'in developing' for such called few developed ones imposition. Sure in all countries have contrast, maybe in Brazil and China the contrasts are stronger. It has regions today in USA that are very poor and damaged also in past, see Haarlem for example in the developed New York. For sure Malta, Greece, Cyprus and other countries like that are considered developed countries like some European East ones, but they are even worse than Brazil and China for the whole average. For point 2, you can only say that India is developing, because there is really much worse socially than Brazil and China, but this is because religious-mentality. Even when India had a strong military and computer technology. About work rights, even today in 3rd work system in Germany and UK, we are almost reaching again Industrial Revolution, because this is abandonned, go seeing a S-Bahn in Germany how the poor population really looks like. And for this, i know, so you don't need to be surprised like i am you not knowing much about those countries. And USA is again today in a great depression, or it was. Have you heard about how socially USA is bad to public wealthy, also in those recent crises times? Dieing in hunger is only a share social-political decision. Nothing of about beeing developed or not. But then you find that also in whole South-American even worse, Mexico, entire Central America, many countries of Asia and also the whole East Europe of today. Africa is already in primitive times.
  11. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS

    Put it this way - I did hear that there's more millionaires in India, then the population of Australia, but 95% of India's population still lives in poverty. Why do you think China had a massive boom in boat building, cause it cost bugger all to make a boat - cheap labour. My uncle got a 60' boat built over there and sold in Australia for a profit - secondhand :eek:

    On average an Australian boat builders will get paid $30/h - in America it's more like $15/h - China, a lot less. Cheers

  12. well, this is quite the truth. Yesterday for example i saw an interior of a Yacht for a China Market, exxxxtrem kitsch, blue-gold-wood old stylished with chairs in transparent palstic material, horrible, but i believe had costed much more than clean styles. Of course those millions made, were exploring the very low labour costs. For sure India is a much more extrem contrastant place, then China & Br.
  13. pbekker

    pbekker New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    the netherlands
    ferreti = azimut- benetti group

    hey all

    small update
    it is not ferretti that will open a new shipyard over but azimut

    (i hope it is not against the rules this link)

    so only think i need to do is update my resume and mailt it
    because it is happening in my city

    but there is no email address yet for humon resaeche :confused:
    so maybe out here can help with maybe a email from the mother ship in italy

    greetings pascal