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New Contract: Perini Navi 69M ketch

Discussion in 'Perini Navi News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Dec 13, 2011.

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  1. Perini Navi sells 69-meter ketch

    Perini Navi closes the year 2011 with the sale of a 69-meter sailing ketch designated hull C.2227. She will be the first hull in a 69-meter series of super sailers. The new sale ends a year that saw Perini Navi create contracts on three newbuilds, two 60-meter sailing vessels and the 69-meter sailing yacht.

    The new 69-meter contract will be the second largest Perini Navi vessel, only second to the 88-meter "Maltese Falcon". The new vessel was designed by the Perini Navi group with consultation from Philippe Briand. On the interior the layout was again done by the Perini Navi group and completed in conjunction with PH Design.

    Perini Navi has seen the launching and completion of 56-meter "Fidelis", 55-meter "Galileo G" and 45-meter "Clan VIII" in 2011. As for the 69-meter ketch-rigged super sailer, expect her to be completed in 2015.

    For more information:

    Perini Navi
    Via Coppino 114
    55049 Viareggio
    Perini Navi Group

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