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new 59' astondoa

Discussion in 'Astondoa Yacht' started by allan, Feb 21, 2005.

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  1. allan

    allan New Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    newport beach ca.
    Dose anyone have more pictures of the new 59' Or has anyone seen the yacht in person? I am interested to know if it is a three stateroom, and how it may compare to the 66' any info would be geart to have. Thank you Allan
  2. sarnacho

    sarnacho Guest

    Astondoa 59'

    Hi Allan,

    The Astondoa 59' is 3 cabins + 1 crew cabin.

    The A-66' has a nice garage for dinghy and jetski, and the A-59' only has a platform for placing the tender.

    I enclose some pictures made by a friend in Barcelona Boat Show.

    If you need any other information, just tell me, some years ago I worked in Astondoa and I know them very well.

    I can send you other information on this boat by mail if you want.

    Best regards,

    Alicante, Spain

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  3. sarnacho

    sarnacho Guest

    Astondoa 59'

    Hi again,

    The Astondoa 59' can fit a jetski inside a hatch in the bathing platform, and dinghy on top of the platform.

    The outside design was designed by shipyard, and the interior layout and style has been designed by italian designer Cristiano Gatto (previously working at Nuvolari & Lenard Yacht design team).

    More pictures will arrive soon.


  4. allan

    allan New Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    newport beach ca.
    59 Astondoa

    Thank you Sarnacho I do appreciate the pictures and the info. I have been looking for a 66 for some time now. But the 59 looks great, I know of Nuvolari & Lenard they have done some very nice work. I look forword to seeing the interior pictures and your help in my intrest in Astondoa. I look forword to meeting you and getting back to Spain.

    Do you know if she has a up galley? Do you feel she still has her 18 foot beam?

    Are you still involved in the yacht industry?

    Again thank you for your help. Allan...
  5. sarnacho

    sarnacho Guest

    Astondoa 59'

    Hi Allan,

    Some of your questions have been answered directly to you.

    For the moment, here you have more pictures.



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  6. JonS

    JonS Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    That side profile line drawing does nothing for it. Those are some real wild, aweful lines in my opinion on the flybridge wing... however, it looks nice from the front 3/4 view above.
  7. sarnacho

    sarnacho Guest

    Astondoa 59'

    Hi again,

    Regarding your questions about 59' and 66', both of them have the galley in main deck, close to inside pilot house, and the galley can be fully closed (for smoke, or smells).

    The beam of 66' is 18', but new 59' is around 16' wide.

    As the 59' is a new boat, there is no information on their web page, but for the rest of the range, you can get something (not really too much).

    I'll try to include more details in the next days.



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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2015
  8. pedrodd

    pedrodd New Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Malaga, Spain
    Sarnacho could you send me some images of the A-59?

    Hola Sarnacho, actualmente poseo un astondoa 43 pies y me gustaria cambiar a algo un poco mayor, sin meterme en los 60 pies. Por ello, mi decision gira en torno al 54 o 59 de astondoa. Me podrias comentar de modo general las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno? y sus diferencias? tambien apreciaria mucho que me mandaras todas las fotos e informacion que te sea posible sobre el 59, ya que en internet no encuentro casi nada de informacion sobre este. Tambien por lo que he leido en tus mensajes, que formas hay de colocar la zodiac en el 59? tiene un garaje como en 66? me interesa cualquier tipo de foto, tanto interior como exterior.

    Muchas gracias por preocuparse de ayudar y atender a los demas.

    Un saludo, Pedro Diaz Duran