May 24, 2004 Super Fast Mega-Yacht Launched in Holland at Millennium Super Yachts The Millennium 140, “The World Is Not Enough” will be launched on May 29, at the Millennium Super Yachts, b.v. facility in Hardinzveld-Giessendam, Holland. The yacht was conceived John Staluppi whose background in mega-yachts include Moonraker, Octopussy, and others. “The World Is Not Enough” was built as a super high speed yacht with the luxuries expected of a world class mega-yacht. She is a full tri-deck yacht with accommodations for 10 in the owners party and a crew of 8, she breaks away from the concept that a yacht can not be fast and luxurious. Drawing on their past experience and team work John Staluppi and Frank Mulder brought “The World Is Not Enough” from concept to reality in a little over two years. To achieve their goal, speed in excess of 75 mph, her hull design was tank tested. The Yacht is powered by a combination of Man/BW (Paxman) diesels and Lycoming jet turbines, all driving Lipps water jets. It will be exciting to see the yacht perform when she commences sea tials in June. If she performs as designed, what was a days trip between ports can be reduced to a short ride after breakfast. Millennium Super Yachts will commence two new builds in the 46 m. class for unnamed clients in the near future. Contact Millenniumn Super Yachts at 1-561-721-4100, fax 1-561-844-9160, or Email at The following is a pre-launch picture taken during construction.