© DR 20/12/14 - Evacuation de l'épave de la vedette "Isamar" en Corse-du-Sud L’opération de relevage a été réalisée par une société spécialisée dans les travaux sous-marins, mandatée par la compagnie d’assurance du propriétaire. L'Isamar, un yacht de 24 mètres, avait sombré trois heures après avoir heurté un récif, dans le périmètre de la réserve des Bouches de Bonifacio. Les huit passagers et trois membres d’équipage avaient pu être sauvés. Selon le rapport du bureau enquête accident britannique "Marine Accident Investigation Branch" (MAIB), le jour de l'accident, le navire naviguait sans alarmes, ni cartes à jour.
© DR 12/20/14 - Evacuation from the wreckage of the star "Isamar" in Corse-du-Sud The lifting operation was carried out by a company specialized in underwater work, commissioned by the company to homeowner's insurance. The Isamar, a yacht of 24 meters, sank three hours after hitting a reef in the perimeter of the reserve of Bonifacio. The eight passengers and three crew members were rescued. According to the report of the Office UK accident investigation "Marine Accident Investigation Branch" (MAIB), the day of the accident, the ship sailed without alarms or updated maps.
That is not the first yacht to come to grief in Corsican waters like this. The previous one I am aware of was the second one the same master had lost over the space of 5 yrs. He held a very prominent position in the PYA (Professional Yachtsmans Association) too. http://www.bymnews.com/new/content/view/16069/57/
Thanks for the translation. Trafalgar, I see your location listed as NY. Did you write in French or did something funky happen in computerland?
As my link obviously contained something the control script doesn't like try the second result on here. https://www.google.com/search?q=chris+jones+yacht+sunk&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
Dear K1W1, M/Y Land's End, a well known unit in the charter industry.... I tried to find on line different MAIB reports on yacht casualties without any success... The only one i have found was issued by french BEA mer for the Yogi Dear NYCAP 123, I am still in NY, a friend from Corsica sent me the link from a french website.