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Heesen Launches 154’ “Sirocco”

Discussion in 'Heesen News & Launches' started by YachtForums, Apr 25, 2006.

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  1. Heesen Launches 154’ “Sirocco”

    April 25, 2006 – Oss, The Netherlands –

    On April 18th, Heesen Yachts launched yacht number 12947, "Sirocco". Sirocco is named after the south wind that blows hot, dry air from the Sahara to the north. It’s not just the name but the whole interior of this 47-meter, semi-displacement, custom-built yacht that gives Sirocco a distinctly African ambience. Wooden floors, the use of natural stone, leather and makassar wood, combined with a sophisticated use of earth tones, and very unusual, exclusive tiles give this yacht a look all its own.
  2. In another characteristic touch, the owner’s cabin is situated on the wheelhouse deck with direct access to the outside deck. The sundeck has a gym and the TV room is on the main deck. Sirocco is the first vessel built at Heesen with the new styled vertical pilot house windows. She has a top speed of 24 knots with her 16V4000MTU engines and, as always, has the Heesen signature garage.

    Sirocco is the 129th vessel launched at the Heesen facility and will spend the summer cruising the Med. For more information on Heesen Yachts, contact:

    Heesen Yachts
    1850 S.E. 17th Street, Suite 122
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
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