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Hargrave Yacht Wallpapers

Discussion in 'Hargrave Yacht' started by YachtForums, Apr 9, 2006.

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  1. Hargrave Yachts

    Hargrave Yachts enjoys one of the most recognizable names in the marine industry, due to the legendary design work of the late Jack Hargrave. For over 40 years, Jack Hargrave set the standard for American yachtsmen and represented the best in design, engineering and planning. Jack’s designs were the basis for such yachts as Hatteras, Burger and Rybovich. Hargrave went on to design more than 75 powerboats for Hatteras, producing more than 6,000 yachts. All totaled, he designed over 250 yachts, which recently resulted to Jack Hargrave being inducted into the NMMA Hall of Fame. His influence on yacht design was legendary and carries forward into the yachts we see today.

    In 1997, shortly after the most famous American yacht designer passed away, Michael Joyce returned to the company after an absence of 20 years to take over as president and CEO. Recognizing that Hargrave was far more than a design office, Joyce explained to Jack’s family that “Hargrave” was a brand name and outlined a plan to begin the construction of yachts under the Hargrave name. Joyce, who had spent his career in the sales and distribution side of the business realized that if Hargrave was going to play a role in the future of the yachting industry, they would have to go it alone and could not rely on the reputation of other builders for their future.

    In a very short time period, with the expertise of a talented in-house design team and skilled Taiwanese craftsmanship, Hargrave yachts has become recognized worldwide for delivering quality and value. Hargrave customers enjoy working with Mike so much that nearly 40% of them have returned to build another yacht, with some on their 4th build. Since the company’s inception, they have delivered over 50 yachts, a testament to their engineering, staff and communications ability with their workforce and customers.

    Hargave’s current models range from 68’ to 115’ in length. They produce primarily raised pilothouse motoryachts that are semi-custom in nature, addressing the needs of their individual owners. Hargrave’s offices are located in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, where they offer sales, brokerage and design services.

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