FPV = First Person View Also, not technically drones since drones have a level of autonomous function while these are strictly R/C... but still, pretty crazy! (Be sure to click the CC button to get subtitles for anyone here that doesn't understand French.) That must be quite the wifi setup in the woods... though latency at those speeds between trees would really suck. What do you think Carl? We could set up a YF Racing League!
Tried it for the first time a few weeks ago. It's a perspective like no other. It actually feels like you're flying. Would love to put a system together, but can't seem to find time. Just as well, the technology is continuing to evolve. Hi-res goggles at a good price point are on the horizon. The various multi-rotor platforms are more than capable, but breakthroughs such as variable pitch props on quads like Curtis Youngblood's Stinger are the future. Using pine trees for pylons is no doubt fun, especially when beers and bragging rights are on the line, but otherwise multi-rotors don't present the same challenge as their torque cancelling counterparts. This is my Goblin 700 and it's "mini-me" version, the Goblin 500...
I've never flown through trees, but I flew over them this summer. Sarah was on a week long work project in Knoxville, so I made my annual migration to the mountains to join her; two birds in tow. We flew at an airfield just outside the city, top of a mountain, 75 degrees and world's away from South Florida in August! Sarah's in forward flight now. Will cut the umbilical cord from the buddy box pretty soon.