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Does YF Cover Bering Yachts?

Discussion in 'Bering Yachts' started by leeky, Jul 20, 2021.

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  1. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Moonen with their ever changing ownerships and questionable future, even survival?
    YachtForums likes this.
  2. Riknpat

    Riknpat Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Reading all of this brought to mind a design I thought was good looking by American Jon Overing. Allegro 24. I don't think one has been built. A couple of brokers push it but you don't have to deal with any of them. Steel and Aluminum. Whopping 5000 gallon fuel in a 78 footer.
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    My thoughts, exactly.

    Emile Bilterijst drove me to the airport following a visit to Holland. YF played a role in the sale of two Moonens and he was concerned about the future of their segment. Competing builders such as Burger were also experiencing a downturn. I believe he chose to exit at the right time, but this was actually accelerated by other factors.
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    When I use to think about if I was to ever replace our Westport with another brand boat, Moonen was on my initial list. I looked at them carefully over the years including watching them almost close and new owners in 2019 and new management in 2020. I don't have any sense of them investing the funds into improving and increasing the business that it would need. It's not anything specific I know that discourages me as much as all the unknown and potential risk. I believe they currently have two boats under construction but don't know if either of those has been sold.
  5. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    No, both Moonen projects are spec boats, as I was told. I am also very familiar with Moonen. And I know Jongert very well. I had a factory new Jongert sail boat before. They are not capable of larger one off projects anymore, just refit and repair.

    That leaves not very many options in that range of trawler yachts. The well known yards have gone bigger and the smaller yards will not be able to conduct such a large project.

    There are some Italian Yards offering steel trawlers in that size but the quality of those boats were rather questionable. Big heavy iron that looked like converted workboats or tugs.

    CNP Naumachos 82.jpg

    CNP Naumachos 82


    Ocean King 88, an 82 with the Italian trick, the removable bow, in order to stay below 24 meters LoA.
    Real beauties, aren't they ? I even do not know, wheather those yards are still operationable.

    I most likely have to blackmail one of those famous German yards to built us a 24 meter boat. They probably crack up with my request and if they accept that order, they will charge me the price of a 40 meter boat.

    But I am not buying a yard in order to have that boat being built :).
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
  6. jsschieff

    jsschieff Senior Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Middletown RI/Stuart FL
    Is Burger capable of building something like this? I know they built a 48-foot custom aluminum yacht in the past year or so.
  7. Riknpat

    Riknpat Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    And one final thought. van der Valk is currently building a 23.55 M steel hull full displacement explorer as a custom build for delivery in 2023. Ginton/Diana naval architect, Guido de Groot design. 2 x MAN engines. Called Capella I think. Anyway they seem to be seeking this type of build business.
  8. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I wish, but can't say I'd have confidence in them doing so. They've built so little the last few years. They say they have a 50' Cruiser under construction and available. They also now show offerings of a 63' SF and a 66' MY. Their last large recreational build was Northland, a 103' Explorer Yacht. Every indication is they will build anything you desire. However, I think taking any builder outside their traditional comfort zone is a bit dangerous. I would love to be able to enthusiastically recommend them.
  9. brunick

    brunick Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2005

    i don't know about peters-werf/kusch yachts, but maybe they would be able to build a smaller trawler style - or even the flensburg yard, as they're not really having any substantial orders currently :D
    also the german seenotretter build some nice and sturdy boats in that range, maybe build the hull with a smaller yard and bring the boat to another yard for outfitting like they did with ulysses.
  10. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Dear members, with your inputs and PMs, you have changed my opinion of and my belief in Nordhavn. I was in contact with Nordhavn Europe and I have visited several Nordhavn boats in Southhampton and in the Med. Also I was not able to conduct a deep survey, I was pretty happy with what I had seen.

    We are now back to Zero and starting all over again!

    I am very familiar with the van der Valk shipyard and we are very happy with their quality, as we are customers of them already :). I am not sure, whether their trawler line would be able to go in cover with our plans. May be they are willing to start a one off project.

    Brunick, I was thinking of Fassmer also. They are building very high quality boats in any size and they are capable of building in steel, aluminum and FRP / CRP. This is one of the most trustworthy yards in Europe besides the two other "minor Yards" on the Weser river :p. They have built only one yacht so far but it might be a reasonable task to talk them into one more yacht project. We will see, I will keep You informed.

    Dear members, keep Your inputs coming. I am learning tremendously. YF and JF are a great source of knowledge and information.

    wwch, gr8trn and brunick like this.
  11. bernd1972

    bernd1972 Senior Member

    Mar 1, 2011
    Flensburg, Germany
    Why not build the casco at Van der Graaf and then have it finished by adults of your own choice? They did the cascos for most of the Ed Kastellein adventures and did not too bad...
    They might be an option as well.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
  12. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    We are in talks with two design bureaus and have narrowed our talks down to two Yards, which are willing and capable to build such a boat in a reasonable time frame.

    We are having a discussion going with one of the designers about the CE 24 meter hull length according to ISO 8666 and the London Loadline Length of 24 meters. With the LLL 24 meter border, we could build an almost 85 ft boat and with the CE 24 meter border only a 78 ft boat. A big difference! A 78 ft, 3 deck boat would look a bit disproportionate, I am afraid.

    My sons skipper license calls for a max. 24 meter boat with max. 12 persons on board plus crew. If he would not insist of driving it by himself and without payed crew, we would be much more flexible (in lenght). He could have my displacement yacht including my crew and I get a new one. There is one, I have in mind :).
  13. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    What about BURGER? They built an Aluminum expedition yacht around the size you're looking for, a few years back.