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Delivered: Perini Navi 56-meter "Riela"

Discussion in 'Perini Navi News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Jun 13, 2009.

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  1. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Perini Navi formally delivers 56-meter "Riela"

    Perini Navi Group, worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of blue water yachts, is proud to announce the hand-over of the SY "Riela", the 56m ketch launched on April 25th, which took place last Thursday, June 4th. The formal delivery was held in the aft-cockpit of Riela in the presence of the Owner and the Team of Perini Navi. Following the formal procedure, the crew proceeded with the flag substitution.

    In a few days , Riela will depart Viareggio towards the Mediterranean waters for her maiden cruise. This summer she will share her time between her owner’s use and charter activity. SY Riela will be attending the Perini Navi Cup in September and will be officially presented to the public at the Monaco Yacht Show 2009.

    For more information:

    Perini Navi,
    Via Coppino 114,
    55049 Viareggio ,
    Phone + 39 0584 4241


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