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Delivered: Horizon E62 Motoryacht to Chinese Owner

Discussion in 'Horizon News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Jul 2, 2013.

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  1. Horizon Delivers E62 Motoryacht to Owner in China

    Since the start of 2013, Horizon has been busy with the delivery of 11 yachts to new owners. The most recent delivery is a Horizon E62 motoryacht to a young gentleman in China who is well-known in the Chinese technology field. The new owner contacted Horizon in February 2012 during the Hainan Rendezvous and Boat Show in Sanya, where he was invited to personally tour the yachts on display; after a few months of communication regarding interior layouts and build specifications, the owner ordered his E62 and as of this month, he is the happy new owner of a Horizon yacht.
  2. Horizon's extensive experience with advanced construction methods and reputation as a luxury yacht manufacturer was a draw for this owner and something he was able to experience first-hand during the May sea trial of the E62. He paid Horizon a great compliment in stating that the E62 surpassed all of his expectations.

    For more information:

    Horizon Yachts
    8 Kuang Yang Street
    Hsiao Kang, Kaosiung
    Horizon Yachts

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