We have a 2001 Broward 97’ with two CAT 3610 engines and Kobelt throttle controls. We lost control of both engines. Just replaced the throttle control board and controllers. We now have the starboard engine and control working well. Port will not engage and the engine shows errors 22 and 32. We switched the wires on the board so the port wires were connected to the starboard engine and the controls worked. Engineer from Kobelt said that proves it is a CAT problem. We measured the voltage coming from the port engine to the board and it was 40. Kobelt engineer said that is too high. Any ideas on what we should check next?
Cats use a I/O cable between your controls and their ECU. It looks like a regular (10 foot?) length of wire harness but there is a long skinny logic board included. There are different cables for different control mfgs. From your control box, follow the throttle data cable to the engine till you find a lump in the wire wrap. Part number should be on that cable,, somewhere.