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Any Catalina/Corinthian 480, Uniflite 48 yacht fish owners?

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Connies, Commanders & Catalinas' started by moparharn, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. moparharn

    moparharn New Member

    May 27, 2018
    I am under contract for a CC Catalina 480 and was wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on these boats and what I should be looking out for. Any helpful knowledge others boats would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Bill
  2. DJMjr

    DJMjr Guest

    Just bought one.
    Planning on making her a liveaboard.
  3. L thames

    L thames New Member

    Aug 16, 2021
    Clear lake shores texas
    We bought a 1987, two years ago. Living on it full time and been over 3000 miles. Great boat. It was the right one for us. No stabilizers no thrusters and can roll pretty good in beam seas. Troublesome to dock on windy days. Lower helm is not used. We have a full enclosure on y bridge so we can travel in rsin and cold if needed. Love it!
  4. Sealandsky

    Sealandsky New Member

    Jan 3, 2021
    Minnesota and Bayfield, Wisconsin
    Older post, but am also an owner of a 1987 Chris Craft Catalina 480. We've had it 3 years, made a ton of upgrades and learned a lot (both positive and negative), so have much to share!

    Bow and stern thrusters
    New upper / lower control cables and controls
    New intake manifolds and carbs - Huge fuel saver
    All new canvas
    New custom teak cabinets and helm bench seating
    New windshield frame - Big and stainless
    Mounted generator, bilge blowers and water pump on isolators
    New water heater, water pump, surge tank, supply lines, black water lines
    New holding tanks
    New flooring in master, both heads, closets, galley, forward stateroom
    3000 watt inverter system
    Dual 8D house batteries
    All new bilge pumps, dual in engine room
    Replaced all seacocks
    New swim platform with power davit system
    New aft fuel tanks
    Modified dinette table, new cushions
    In process of removing "furry" carpeting in closets, replacing with perforated vinyl.
    New galley sink / faucet
    New head faucets
    New forward stateroom hatch with sun / screen shade
    New toilets - Both heads
    In process - New master shower faucet
    New forward heat / AC unit