Hello. As my first post here I wanted to share/show my modeling/rendering of the great yacht Amevi, made as hobby. At the moment I am expanding the modeling into some more details and fixing errors.
Are you serious? I thought you were a N/A or something....the 3D's look very professional...congrats.
Correction.. 3D modeling rendering is my profession too, but this model i just made for fun, the 3D modeling rendering what i usually do is something totally different than this. Just wanted to mention that im not a yacht designer or in the yacht business, but maybe i should jump to yacht design Thanks for the comments. By the way what is N/A?
Thanks for the info. That N/A was something new for me. Here are some much more recent renderings. At some point im going to model also the interior. Its just soo difficult cos there are not much pictures from inside this ship. By the way i had alot of help from this forum when i started to model this ship. Its modeled based on pictures posted here in the forum. Without the pictures i could not model this ship. So big thanks for all those people who posted pictures of this yacht. (collected over 125 images )
may you should model the yachts, the designer draw, i guess with your skill you'd earn a lot of money that's just insane, pretty nice
I dont know if earning money could be an option in this field, but why not. Im sure i cant just start being a designer without knowing anything about yachts, but modeling and rendering i sure can. I use Cinema 4d for PC for modeling and rendering.
I'm not easily impressed, but if this has indeed been modeled just from some photographs, then frankly I'm amazed. I can understand how the superstructure could be built up from decent photos, but the hull form is quite another matter.....it certainly looks extremely technically accurate and true to the original design underwater. I'd be very interested in knowing what photos of Amevi you found that showed you this level of detail ?
First, thank you for your comments. I started from oceanco webpage. Found very small deckplans. Not much usefull. Then this topic in this forum: http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/oceanco-yacht/5786-amevi-dry-report.html Then: http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/oceanco-yacht/5839-oceancos-amevi-wet-cold-report-2.html i also found a place that i dont now remember where there where pictures taken while she was at construction phase. Im not sure if it was also posted here in yachtforums or might be in an other forum, not sure if i can even attach the link
Hi Apache2k and welcome to YF. I like your hobby. Exceptional work! Glad you found YF useful in constructing a virtual Y701. About half-way through the build, the boat was sold and the new owner requested privacy, so we had to discontinue our build coverage. We were honored that Oceanco allowed us to publish the build sequence, which quickly became a popular idea as various yachting magazines began requesting the same images to publish their own versions of the construction process. I hope you'll stick around. I'm sure others would enjoy your hobby as well. In the meantime, I have to ask a favor... please read YF's rules regarding avatars and signatures. Avatars must be marine related and commercial signatures are prohibited. We would appreciate your cooperation on this. Thanks!
Thank you, I have been following the forum for a while but just now registered... Looks like i have to read all those texts Did read it with one eye on the text and the other by looking the TV Ill change my avatar soon. Thanks for the notice.
Ok, now i need some help with the terms. I did try to search google to find out what is the name of this kind of hull. What do you call that long part on front on the bottom of the ship? Im going to build a scale model of this yacht and sliced it a bit