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26 Metres-New Design-AV

Discussion in 'Yacht Renderings & Plans' started by AndreVeenstra, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. AndreVeenstra

    AndreVeenstra New Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    I would like to share one off my latest yacht designs,

    Basic Parameters:
    Design length 26.000 m
    Length over all 24.5 m
    Design beam 6.200 m
    Design draft 1.600 m
    Displacement 98.231 tonnes

    Design Speed 16,5 Knots

    Constuction material:
    Steel Hull / Alluminium Superstructure

    I am currently working on the General arrangement, after completion I will also share this one.

    Attached Files:

  2. Is that a Playmobil one?

    I have to consider it is nice different in some way, but strange. The pillars need to be reinforced in order to avoid such big vibrations and if you would like to use composite on them, the section cut diameters must be stronger. The mounth anchor part is a kind of fish opening mounth to me. If is the design language you want to transmit, then go ahead.

    Using your same profile Design, it is reinforced like that keeping same curves' design concept: ( Remember to round the square edges always in order to avoid strenght high loads there during cruise to not having fatigue on them ) Good !

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2010
  3. AndreVeenstra

    AndreVeenstra New Member

    Apr 2, 2009

    Dear MKM,

    Thanks for your comments, I have some thoughts regarding the construction of the lower pillars which I would like to share also, a cross section of this will follow later today.

    I need to check the weight of the complete mast and also need to investigate the possibilities for reinforcement of the complete mast.

    The mouth Anchor part is a special part, Ive drawn some other options.
    I will also post them later today.

    Kind Regards,

    André Veenstra
  4. Remember also that for night cruises, everything in front of wheelhouse like the Mast you put in fore bow should have all devices or stuff like the flag (not really appropriate position there according nautical rules) must be higher the horizontal visible imaginary line to not disturb the driver, if with some positive angle, even better. If you put a black round column in middle aft of the last deck supporting the roof would be nicer to help the structures' weight on roof and would not touch much your design. Also on fore roof if you put some lights for dark illumination would be great. If you have some sun cells there to make your boat environment friendly to save in energy small costs, using this great empty area is in such small ones not to be forgotten. Even in a 30m shape you have huge maintenance costs, u know.
  5. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Is "Fugly" a noun or an adjective and does it apply here?
  6. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Only if it is proceeded by the word "particularly" :D
  7. AndreVeenstra

    AndreVeenstra New Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    As Promished yesterday I should post a cross section of the profiles construction I ve had in mind for the archs,

    I'am seriously thinking about redesigning the bridge deck and also create some
    Anchor / front plate configurations to show when this is done.

    I will try to keep the front view for as far as possible, cause it looks great in my opinion.

    Also I'am thinking about an enlargement of the rear of the yacht and add a swimmingplatform., so The total length will increase to +/-28 metres.

    So this should look even better.

    Kind Regards,


    Attached Files:

    • Cse.jpg
      File size:
      50.6 KB
  8. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS
    AndreVeenstra, it's a very interesting design to say the least. Just a few things you might want to think about (IMO). Have a study of the yacht Predator, and more to the point its bow section. I would recommend to re-shape the bow, so where it curves back towards the water, bring that curve down to the water (making advantage of the longer waterline length). Also like Predator, intergrate a spray chine into the front section of the boat, and you could also make it a bit of a feature with the anchor, and the s/s bow boot.

    The flag on the front, i would move that to the front of the boat, so it out of the way completely (It should be a club flag, I'm pretty sure you put the country's flag on the stern).

    The curve that seperates from the cabin roof and connects with the transom... I would probably remove that. When the owners are on the back deck, I couldn't think of nothing more to spoil the view. Structurly I don't think it's doing much, If it is, just a 38mm s/s pole in each corner, it will also blend right in, and you wont really notice it. You could then intergrate that curve on the cabin roof, and it could second up as a railing on the flly bridge. Just some thoughts if you want. Cheers

  9. AndreVeenstra

    AndreVeenstra New Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Partial Redesign

    Ive just redesigned the model by a couple of points,

    In my opinion it has a even better look now, more clean, more "normal" looking

    I am still working on the general arrangements

    Attached Files:

  10. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    Hi Andre,
    first of all, you should rescale your image to 640px width, otherwise someone will do it for you I am afraid. (Done.. ;))

    Then: "normal looking" is not something desirable in my opinion ;). ... Just listen to what people have to say about your designs, draw your conclusions and walk your own path. ...
  11. AndreVeenstra

    AndreVeenstra New Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Thanks for your advise regarding the Image resolution.
    And thanks for resizing :)

    Indeed "Normal" looking is not the design language I want to transmit.
    Normal can be read better as, Technical based on more proven and reliable principles.

    The design itself is a very personal Issue, based on meanings and advise of others the design can be changed, but for so far the design is wat it is.

    First I will finish the General Arrangement, and then make a second loop regarding the technical aspects.

    I also want to take a closer look onto the performance of the hullshape, with a focus on the bow line intersecting the waterline.

    Kind Regards,

  12. 84far

    84far Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    Brisbane, AUS
    Hi André,

    Can I recommend a semi displacement hull form, with a round bilge, I think that would fit nicely with it's appearance...?

    Also, what I was suggesting design wise was just some practical elements to the vessel, and that hurts even more so with the smaller designs. I'm all for radical designs, but if a design can't compete with a practical boat say a Burger, or a Christensen, then you will loose the sale.

    Hows the General Arrangement coming along? Cheers

  13. AndreVeenstra

    AndreVeenstra New Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    General Arrangement

    As promised I should post the General Arrangement when ready, after holiday It was time to finish it for as far as possible.

    Hopefully the image is detailed enough when reduced in size.

    André Veenstra

    Attached Files: