Any information / comments / ideas on this: IMO 1012593 Fincantieri La Spezia 8537 Ship type: yacht GT: 16900 Length: 172m? Construction might have started in 2018.
Never heard of this yacht before. It is interesting. Large GT so I'm guessing a middle eastern owner.
How did you find out about this? Seems to have been hiden well. Hopefully we get to see her in the near future.
I mean, for 172m, that’s a pretty normal tonnage. Are we sure it’s actually a yacht and not a mini boutique cruise ship like the new Ritz one?
I got most of the information on world-ships dot com, the length by playing with the numbers in the "from/to" fields for Length OA. Boutique cruise ship: it's a possibility, but so far Fincantieri has used Muggiano/La Spezia for yachts (Serene, Ocean Victory) and naval ships.