Hello, This is a new design of me and i would like some comments on the design. High-res: http://www.3dshiparts.com/200.jpg http://www.3dshiparts.com/201.jpg http://www.3dshiparts.com/202.jpg I hope you like it.
She looks interesting, however, the yacht does seem to lack exterior space, apart from the main aft deck, which is not always the most comfortable space to be whilst underway...
Welcome to YachtForums, we really need more designs As a rendering it is very good. As a yacht I have to agree with Gomaarten, it can not be easy to get the fenders out or to wash her down, without sidedecks all around on at least two decks. She is also a little high, should look better if you removed one deck...? Do you have more to show? In general we are all very nice, so don´t hesitate to post them...
Wow. Really NICE modeling 3d Ship Arts. What software are you running? As for the design, I have more questions on the hull than the superstructure. If this hull is intended to be a "wave-piercer", then the beam in insufficient. If, on the other hand, this is a "conventional" hull, then the taper on the bow is to fine, needs more volume up there. Plus, a broader bow would give more room for crew handling, as Lars mentioned. Kelly Cook
feedback I agree with Lars , she is a bit out of proportion, and losing the top deck would give her nicelines.
Overall I think the design and rendering are fantastic, but there are some practicality issues with the design too. If you have any other designs please post them.
Hi all, Thnx for al the reactions. I agree with the lack of deckspace. I tried to solve that by moving the third and the fourth deck a little bit to the back, but this wasn't an succes. I cant answer any questions about the design of the hull, i am just a kid that design ships for fun and like modeling. btw i have a question about a design idea, in the front of the ship, under the black glass I want to put a swimming pool. A very large one I think it would be nice with the big skylight, the only thing I am worried about s the mass of the water in the front of the ship. So s it possible? For moddeling and rendering i use 3ds Max and vray. Here are some other designs: Haven't been able to finish this one. 60m yacht 40m Yacht
The 40m is really something, I love the angular shapes and the grey hull. I think the centre rear panel would look better in grey than white, but thats my only dislike for this design.
I like the 106 it's a nice sleek design. Good colours. The bow straight from Wally 118, I love it also. Could have a pool at the fore when not underway, drain it at other times? Like the huge windows too. Why not remove the glass from the top deck level so its open that solves the "fun open area" issue, great view from up there, but maybe a bit windy hehe. And also the 40 I like the sharp lines, looks really modern and not-to-be-messed-with!
A coment for the top renderings: The control stations on the side would never pass Solas, as from them you can't see over the yacht at the requested angel-the pilot house is in a way.