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Compare Grand Alaskan-Ocean Alexander Classico

Discussion in 'General Trawler Discussion' started by current affair, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. current affair

    current affair New Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Comparing 2003 64' Grand Alaskan to 2002 64' Ocean Alexander Classico
    Any comments on build quality, fuel economy, sea capablities ect. Any information and comments are appreciated.
  2. PropBet

    PropBet Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    Is Everything!
    In our search, once upon a time, we looked closely at the OA 64. It shows quite nicely and is well thought out. There are (IMO) a few quirks with it that I found in her GA and mechanical, but otherwise, a very nice boat. Great fit and finish, and attention to detail. At least in the particular boat we saw. (which was at FLIBS, 2 years ago if I recall correctly) We didn't do sea trials, but did do a lot of reading, research, etc. along with some documentation from Ed Monk on his design criteria and philosophy, which was pretty interesting. (PM me, and I'll happily forward you the document via email)

    The biggest thing, and the primary issue for me was the size. While she boasts length in the 65' range, 4 people in the salon felt rather cramped. Compared to Marlow, Grand Banks, Offshore, Fleming, Outer Reef, etc. the boat just didn't feel as big (spacious) as others in the same range. Again, this may be / may have been personal preference and viewpoint. For what we were looking for (family boat, kids, etc.) it felt "too small". Again, this may be something that is completely in the eye of the beholder.

    OA in general, in my opinion is a great boat. You hear of them often, and most commonly, spoken well of. Dealer / Factory support, service, parts, etc. are generally on par.

    I don't know exactly what their future holds with new product, or it if will model the last 20 years of product as Ed Monk has stepped down (the the lack of a better term) and there had been some management changes within the organization which also trickled down to design and engineering. Hence Ed's departure. So, I'd do some research on that and speak to OA directly to make your own assessment if this is something of importance to you.

    I can't speak much to the Grand Alaskan other than they do look nice! I don't know much about them other than what I'd read online and see in and around the water.