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YES, an acronym for Yacht Escort Ships, Intl., is managed by it principals; Captain Stan Antrim and his wife, Mary Jane Antrim. YES is the only company to deliver fully classed yacht support vessels and shadow boats. Having conceived of the shadow boat conversion concept in 2003 for the owner of Lady Lola, Stan and Mary Jane are currently in the midst of completing deliveries on a number of new Yacht Escort Ships. Currently, the vessels undergoing refit and conversion are in Seattle, Washington. Vital to the integrity and quality of the YES product is the engineering expertise of the YES Engineer, Mr. Jeff Perry. Jeff is a licensed professional chief engineer and served as the Quality Assurance supervisor for Delta Marine in Seattle for the 2 years prior to joining Yacht Escort Ships. Perry's engineering acumen coupled with the unparalleled naval architecture support of Boris Kirilloff, provide clients with the counsel and support of a professional staff unmatched in marine knowledge and operational experience in the yachting industry.
When the owner of the 50 meter Hakvoort “JeMaSa” decided he needed a support vessel, his client brief included those requirements typical of the shadow boat concept: a commercially certified helicopter deck with a hangar offering storage for the aircraft and the usual assorted of tenders and toys.
SAN DIEGO, CA – Ellsworth Marine Inc. will launch the first-ever floating yacht club for Members Only early next summer. Ellsworth Marine has purchased the 156 foot motor vessel "Shelikof" as the first step in the company’s plan to launch this unprecedented venture combining the luxury amenities of a yacht club, the exclusivity of a private yacht, combined with the extensive capabilities of a mothership.
Shadow Marine’s “Paladin” A Mind-Bender of a Tender Following an impressive introduction at the 2005 Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show, I caught YachtForums member Stan Antrim, the managing director of Shadow Marine, taking pictures of his star attraction as it glided passed by the docks of the 17th Street Marriot. Although we had previously met, he didn’t recognize me in incognito… sporting a baseball cap in the hi-speed direction and the geek-glasses that only the mirror has seen. While he was in the process of snapping a shot, I took the opportunity to sneak up behind him and rattle his cage, exclaiming... “isn’t that boat ugly?” Without so much as a pause, or lowering the camera from his eye, he replied, “I think it’s the most beautiful boat in the world”. That remark effectively sums up Stan’s character. A man who views challenges as opportunities, has a great passion for our industry and is proudly carving a well-earned niche in the same.
The Aluna 127 is the second Aluna model to be released by the FDC Yachts yard. The 39-meter vessel is in the form-factor of a shadow vessel/toy carrier with a design both inside and out by Red Yacht Design. The vessel is under construction and is expected to be completed by 2025. The vessel can be utilized as a yacht support or expedition type platform.
While the 58.5-meter superyacht "PHI" has been going through her paces with sea trials and final details of outfitting before delivery, the 36-meter "PHI Phantom" has been quietly waiting to join her. News is that this support vessel to superyacht PHI has been delivered officially. This yacht was launched earlier this year in April by Alia Yachts. She features exterior design by Cor d. Rover.
The 73-meter superyacht "Axioma" built by Dunya Yachts back in 2013 is soon going to be accompanied in the near future. That is because of a new 48-meter Support Vessel called "My Bro". It is currently under construction in Turkey and will pick up duties with the successful charter yacht in 2023 when it is delivered. My Bro will be built on a catamaran-based platform and should uniquely benefit from this hull arrangement. Space to carry a myriad of tenders and toys that would not be able to fit onboard the mothership will be available. It also will elevate the charter experience for the mothership as well as the support vessel. The plan is to offer this vessel for charter by itself or in tandem with Axioma.
There is a 36-meter shadow vessel currently under construction at the facilities of Alia Yachts. It is expected to serve a 58.5-meter motoryacht (Project 'Phi') currently under construction at the Royal Huisman yard. This yacht is being built with an aluminum hull and is expected to complete construction in 2021. The design is by Cor d. Rover, who is the same designer for the same Project Phi.
Dutch yard Lynx Yachts has grown its YXT range by two new members recently, the YXT 34 Plus and the YXT34 Sport. Of course these are a bit larger than the YXT24 that YF last alerted you about. So what are the differences between the YXT34 Plus and YXT34 Sport? Both are essentially the same yacht with the same dimensions however, the Sport version carries a knuckle-boom crane on the aft deck which has a greater reach and capacity than the Plus's more traditional deck crane. Additionally, there is more room in the lazarette of the Sport model which sacrifices the larger swim platform of the Plus model for greater space below in that area.
The Feadship "Lonian" will soon have her shadow/support vessel working with her. That is because Incat Crowther has completed the build of the 66-meter "Hodor"(Game of Thrones name). As with the builds from Incat Crowther you would expect Hodor to be built on a Catamaran platform...and she is! The twin hull vessel provides the perfect wide base to not only store a wide plethora of tenders but PWCs, ATVs, rafts, toys and the helicopter as well as provide general support to Lonian. The following photos are by Clint Jenkins Photography.